Opensuse h4ckweek 2022 navigation log
View the Project on GitHub michelepagot/opensuse.hackweek.2022
by michelepagot
Today we rock with Wezterm
Change from simple

to Liquid query

Some fun progress on this side today.
Talking with Stephan, he suggested this talk: openSUSE Conference 2017 How openQA works, needles are at 7min 30sec but the overall talk is just 30min.
Needles can be created directly in the openQA web interface
There’s a lot of knowledge and good practice to apply when developing your needles ( I suggest this video). Lets start from something simple. Here how the application look like in the test machine
and here how the needle match on it
Even a so simple match sometime could fail
(tab missing)
There’s a generic function available to test terminals: test_terminal.
here the needle created for it
Otherwise, starting a program is as simple as x11_start_program
# start Wezterm
sub start() {
wait_still_screen 5;
Test commit for this test.
It was
With this commit it is now:
Start creating some simple tests about events triggered by key bindings: all available defauld keys are documented.
Fer example test that a new tab is opened when pressing SUPER-t
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