Opensuse h4ckweek 2024 navigation log
View the Project on GitHub michelepagot/opensuse.hackweek.2024
by michelepagot
Everything started this summer with some annoying and persistent tingling in one of my hand and arm. That was the initial motivation to get more interested in ergonomic work gadgets, and from that to split keyboards.
What I want from my ideal keyboard:
First step is get some measurements of my hands: it is like stick some paper on the floor and have fun with some felt-tips.
After that I moved the image in Inkscape mostly to be able to measure distances and angles
And now what?
There are various approaches you can take at this point:
hand wire your board: so create a mechanical support for your switches. It could be a 3D printed plastic plate, a hand or laser cut wood panel, a PCB with mechanical only functionality. Whatever you do has to be a “panel with some rectangular holes” where to fit your switches.
design a PCB from scratch in some CAD tools. Starting from a schematic, down to footprint and trace routing, to end with a bunch of gerber files.
everything has to be code!!!